

Brimdrap Bakery Opened

Brimdrap Bakery Opened

Publication Date: Friday March 11, 2016 07:21:13 pm EST
Publisher: Admin User


Scenes from the the opening ceremony of Ascot's first bakery - Brimdrap Bakery

Mishka Morris (General Manager) and Princess Murdock (Assistant Manager) along with their team of other students lauched Ascot's first bakery-Brimdrap Bakery.

The unique feature of this bakery is that all the products it sells are manufactured entirely by the students under the supervision of the enterprise's CEO, Mrs Veron Duncan-Hinds. Among the products sold are gizzardas, plain cakes, fairy cupcakes-cupcake with different colours-, potato puddings, fruit cakes, spice buns, coconut tea rings, chicken pockets, pizza rolls, coconut cookies, and chocolate cakes. By the end of the day, most of the pastries were already sold to supporting teachers and students who believe the initative is an excellent one.

Conceptualization and Implementation

The project was implemented to satisfy the requirements of the students' sessional test assessment for this term in their Foods and Nutrition class. Students were separated in groups and were required to create a food-based enterprise which sells food-based products. Members of the group elected the leadership who led in the planning and implementation of the project with the aim of achieving maximum marks on their test not realizing that they had stumbled upon an exciting initiative that could far outlast the date of the assessment. Every student in the group are not only bakers but they are also investors. Each student contributed one thousand dollars ($1000.00) each to the business, and the teacher also contributed to it as well. Ms Dawson, Clothing and Textile teacher and Mr Cedric Murray, the principal, also contributed to the aesthetic aspect of the business making it have an authentic business appearance. In an elaborate ceremony involving the principal, staff and other members of the Food and Nutrition Department the bakery was officially opened when Mr Murray cut the ribbon.  

An Excellent Initiative

Many students and teachers were delighted and proud of the initiative launched by the students. Many of them jubilantly supported the students by purchasing and even giving ideas for the expansion of the business. Both students and teachers who bought and ate the pastries had high praises for the products and commented that the products were indeed tasty. Ms Morris told us that they received tremendous support, and most of the products were sold during the lunch time alone. "This is the novelty we need to see in our schools where students can use resources not only to learn how to bake but to also provide diversity in the lunch menu options for both teachers and students in a time when fiscal restrictions do not permit the school to provide for that diversity." One teacher commented. Another teacher in expressing support for this initiative said, "It is an excellent iniative because it provides an opportunity for the student to develop real life business skills."

Future Plans

Ms Morris and her team did not plan to extend the business beyond today; however, in a light of the overwhelming support they have received and the fact that the students can now be meaningfully engaged, it is quite possible that they will consider to sell their products on a monthly or a bi-weekly basis. However, she was keen to note that any future plans for Brimdrap are based on the profits earned on opening day. Hopefully Ms Morris and her team will have the determination and suport to expand their business.