

Examination Regulations Reminder

Examination Regulations Reminder

Publication Date: Wednesday June 22, 2016 10:00:43 pm EST
Last Updated: Sunday June 11, 2017 10:13:45 pm EST
Publisher: Admin User


File: Students sitting their sessional test over two years ago.

As students have now begun to sit their end of term examinations, students are being reminded of the examination regulation of the school.

Given that the period June 22, 2016 to June 28, 2016 has been reserved for examinations, the academic board would like to remind all students of the school’s Internal Examinations Regulations. Below is the excerpt from the School’s Academic Policy Article VIII Section 2:

Section 2- Internal Examination Regulations

  • Internal Examinations shall be administered at the end of terms one and three.
  • The Examinations time table for each grade shall be published at least one month before the examination period.
  • An examination register shall be taken at every examination.
  • A student who is more than thirty minutes late for an examination shall not be admitted to the examination and shall be awarded a zero for that paper.
  • A student shall not be allowed to leave an examination until the last fifteen minutes of the examination.
  • At least five (5) copies of a supplementary examination paper shall be printed with all original examination papers.
  • If an examination is leaked before it was supposed to be administered, then the HOD shall examine the extent of the leakage and determine whether the examination will have to be re-done, or whether removing a particular student or a group of students who have been exposed to the paper shall not compromise the integrity of the examination.
  • A student who has been suspended and/or been prohibited from attending school shall be permitted to their examination outside of the classroom.
  • If a student is absent from an examination, he/she shall;
    1. bring in writing to the teacher a properly written note accompanied by the appropriate medical documents and other documentation from his/her parents explaining the reasons for the his/her absence from the examination, AND
    2. be given a supplementary examination paper which shall be invigilated by the form teacher and/or the grade supervisor given that the subject teacher is satisfied with the evidence the student has produced to explain his/her absence, BUT
    3. be given a zero for not presenting any explanation or poor explanation explaining his/her absence from the examination, AND
    4. be sanctioned accordingly as prescribed by this academic policy.
  • For subjects that administer more than one examination paper to arrive at a final score, the same conditions outlined in the previous sub-section shall apply. Thus, a student who is absent from a paper despite the fact that the paper was administered before the examination period, the student shall;
    1. be required to do the examination provided that the student had satisfactorily explained his/her absence, BUT
    2. be awarded a zero for that paper if the student did not provide any justification for his/her absence or did not provide satisfactory justification of his/her absence.
  • A student must observe proper conduct during an examination and shall be considerate of other students. If during an examination the invigilator deems that a student’s conduct is very disruptive, he/she shall;
    1. expel the student from the examination and submit his/her paper, OR
    2. expel the student from the examination and record a grade of zero on the examination register, OR
    3. subtract no more than twenty marks from the student’s paper and issue a warning to the student, OR
    4. move the student to another location in the examination room and issue a warning to the student, OR
    5. remove the student from the examination room to do the examination outside, OR
    6. confiscate the student’s paper for no more than thirty minutes provided that the student is not expelled from the examination room, OR
    7. issue a warning to the student, OR
    8. suspend the examination from that class.
  • Any of the following shall be considered inappropriate conduct during an examination and can be sanctioned by any of the measures outlined in sub-section 11 of this section by an invigilator:
    1. talking during an examination
    2. excessive talking during an examination
    3. cheating: looking in someone’s paper
    4. cheating: having a prohibited material during the exam
    5. cheating: sending answers to others during the examination by any means whether by verbal and/or non-verbal communication
    6. disregarding the instructions of the invigilator
    7. getting up from one’s seat
    8. sitting inappropriately
    9. writing information on one’s clothes, accessories and/or person
    10. the use of cellular phones and/or any other electronic/technological devices during an examination
    11. any other act the invigilator deems inappropriate and/or unacceptable
  • The invigilator sets the rules for a particular examination, and every student shall comply with those rules.
  • If a student examination grade has been misplaced and/or lost by the subject teacher, the said teacher shall ask the student if he/she wishes to re-do a supplementary examination paper and if the student wishes not to re-do the examination, he/she shall be given an automatic 50%.
  • A student must write his name and grade on his/her examination paper. If the student was present for the examination but did not write his/her name on the paper, that student shall be awarded a zero at the discretion of the teacher.


ARTICLE XII – Amendments

Section 1 – Examination

  • Before being admitted to sit an internal examination, all students must attend at least eight percent (80%) of the classes kept during the term. The subject teacher shall on the examination register indicate to the invigilator which students have met this requirement to sit the examination.
  • Subject to section 1 (1) of this article, any student siting an examination or a sessional test answers any question with a pen or any other implement that outputs text in any colour except for blue or black shall be awarded a zero for that examination or test.
  • Subject to section 1 (1) of this article, any student sitting an examination or a sessional test answers any question on that examination or test using a pencil except for answering questions that require him or her to:
    1. draw and/or design a picture, chart, illustration, table, graph
    2. shade and/or colour

shall lose all the marks allocated to those questions for which he or she answered with a pencil.