

Voting Instructions to Students

Voting Instructions to Students

Publication Date: Monday October 17, 2016 05:29:26 pm EST
Publisher: Admin User

Students crowd polling area to vote in 2014

The following is the official notice to students of the Student Council Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections to to held next Thursday October 27, 2016.

Instructions to Students on Voting Procedures

  1. The elections for Student Council President and Vice President will take place between 10:00am – 11:30am on Thursday October 27, 2016 at a location labelled Voting Area on the school compound. Once you are in the line before or at 11:30am, you will be allowed to vote.
  1. Go to the voting area and wait in line to see the appropriate Presiding Officer (PO), the one responsible for distributing ballots to students of your grade.
  1. Please remain quiet in the voting area. While at or in the vicinity of the voting area, you are not allowed to coerce, persuade, campaign, or force anyone to vote for any candidate. You are also not allowed to shout anything for any reason.
  1. When it is your turn, approach the desk of the appropriate PO and listen to the instructions the PO will give you on how to vote.
  1. Once you get the ballot paper, go to the designated booth and mark an X beside the name of the candidate of your choice using the pencil provided. Please only mark one X. Do not put any other mark on the ballot paper with any other writing implement. If you put any other mark on the paper and/or you wrote more than one X, your ballot will be REJECTED and your vote will not count.
  1. As soon as you are finished marking the X beside the name of the candidate of your choice, fold the ballot paper appropriately and return it to the PO who will drop the ballot in the designated box.
  1. If you return with the ballot paper exposed, the PO may deem your ballot spoilt and may issue you one more ballot paper. If you spoil the second one, your ballot will be discarded and you will not be allowed to vote.
  1. For sixth formers, you will not be allowed to use your cellular phones or other electronic devices in the voting area.
  1. All Students of all grades duly registered at Ascot High School have the right to vote. Each student only has ONE VOTE.