

Student Council Executive Elected

Student Council Executive Elected

Publication Date: Tuesday November 1, 2016 10:36:53 pm EST
Last Updated: Tuesday November 1, 2016 10:41:10 pm EST
Publisher: Admin User

Tbe Ascot High School Student Council Executive Members serving for the Academic Year 2016-2017

On Tuesday November 1, 2016 in an extraordinary meeting of the student council the members of the executive were elected.

The members of the new student council executive serving for the academic year 2016/2017 are;

Member Post
Petagaye McKenzie President
Brianna Mowatt Vice-President
Brianna McPherson Secretary
Somar Holmes Ass Secretary
Anneke Walker Treasurer
Dahlia Bedward Ass Treasurer
Omar Morgan Public Relations Officer

Article V section 9 of the Ascot High School Student Council outlines the duties of the members of the executive:

  1. The staff advisor shall do the following:
    1. ensure that the council meets its objectives
    2. advise the executive body on all matters
  • be in charge of and conduct all elections
  1. keep all funds collected by the council
  2. be the supreme arbiter of the rules and constitution of the council
  3. execute all duties incumbent upon a staff advisor

This office shall only be occupied by a member of the academic staff selected by the students.

  1. The president shall;
    1. represent the student body on the board of management of the school
    2. manage all the affairs of the council with assistance from the staff advisor and the executive body of the council
  • call the meetings to order at the appropriate time, preside at all meetings, preserve order at all meetings and decide all questions of order
  1. call and preside at the meeting of the executive body
  2. state and put all questions to the membership and the executive body
  3. shall determine the activity of the meeting of the membership
  • appoint a student councillor provisionally to an office in case an office becomes vacant
  • create committee within the council to carry out tasks he/she may deem fit to be carried out for the achievement of the objectives of the council
  1. appoint and remove all members of all committees and select the chairperson of those committees except the selecting of the chairperson for fundraising committees
  2. do all things that are incumbent upon a president


  1. The vice-president shall;
    1. preside at all meetings in the absence of the president
    2. act as president in the event that the president’s office becomes vacant
  • be the primary judiciary officer; that is, shall interpret the constitution or any other rules of the council and arbitrate cases as according to the guidelines of the constitution after examining the evidences
  1. execute duties assigned to him or her by the president
  2. do that which is incumbent upon a vice-president


  1. The secretary shall;
    1. keep accurate records of the proceedings of each meeting and all business of the council
    2. keep up to date records of the attendance and membership of the council
  • execute those duties assigned to him or her by the president
  1. do that which is incumbent upon a secretary


  1. The assistant secretary shall;
    1. assist the secretary in all his or her duties
    2. act as secretary in the absence of the secretary
  • execute duties assigned to him or her by the executive body or the president
  1. do that which is incumbent upon an assistant secretary


  1. The treasurer shall;
    1. keep an accurate record of the council’s income and expenditure
    2. record and report on the council’s fundraising activities
  • keep, chair and coordinate all fundraising committee of the council
  1. and do those duties as is incumbent on a treasurer


  1. The assistant treasurer shall;
    1. assist the treasurer in all his or her duties
    2. act as treasurer in the absence of the treasurer
  • execute duties assigned to him or her by the executive body or the president
  1. keep a record of the fines of each member, and do that which is incumbent upon an assistant treasurer


  1. The public relation officer shall;
    1. publish all relevant information of the council
    2. be the communication officer of the council
  • represent the council at events requiring the presence of the council
  1. execute duties assigned to him/her by the president or the executive body
  2. do all other duties incumbent upon a public relations officer