

Ascotvle is Back

Ascotvle is Back

Publication Date: Tuesday October 17, 2017 08:09:31 am EST
Publisher: Admin User


Ascotvle Screenshots

The long awaited Ascot Virtual Learning Environment (Ascotvle) site is temporarily available to members of the school community.

Until the site's original dedicated server is fixed, Ascotvle will now be available at http://ascotvle.talsofts.com. Students and teachers are being asked to see Mr Talbert- the website administrator- for their login credentials.

The Ascotvle is our school's virtual learning platform where students can access class information, content information, evaluation activities and other resources made available to them by their teachers. Through the Ascotvle, teachers are able to have online conferences with students, set up games for students, communicate with students, electronically review student's works and set up online quizzes for students. On the other hand, students are able to get notes they missed in class, communicate with other students via online chats and forums, write blogs and do many more activties.

Any student and/or teacher who have difficulty using the site please do not hesitate to contact Mr Talbert for assistance.