

Ascot Now Offers CAPE Foods

Ascot Now Offers CAPE Foods

Publication Date: Thursday May 19, 2016 09:53:06 am EST
Publisher: Admin User

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Students applying for Ascot High sixth form for the 2016-2017 academic year can now select Food and Nutrition as a part of their course selections.

Applicants who desire to select Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) Food and Nutrition must pass Food & Nutrition at the Caribbean Education Secondary Certificate (CSEC) level. At this time, applicants will only be allowed to this subject if they have met pre-requisite requirements.

We are very pleased that we have added this subject to our list of subject offerrings seeing that a lot of students leaving Ascot with more than three (3) subjects often have a pass in this subject. Additionally, we have a strong Food and Nutrition programme at the CSEC level and the expansion of the programme to the CAPE level will only strengthen the programme at the school. A very enthused and knowledgeable teacher will be responsible for instruction in this subject.

For further information you may contact Ms Dean as the curriculum coordinator for the sixth form programme or Mr Wright and Ms Morgan who are the sixth form coordinators.