

TalsoftsSAS App Upgraded

TalsoftsSAS App Upgraded

Publication Date: Friday August 31, 2018 12:26:49 am EST
Publisher: Admin User


The new features of this version of the App.

The latest version of the TalsoftsSAS app, version 2.2.21, has three new features that will make the app more student friendly.

Students will now be able to use the app to set homework/project/assignment reminders. The app will issue a notification to the student a day before and on the day the assignment is due. This feature will help students manage their assignment and homework activities. In addition to the homework centre, both students and other users of the app will be able to download files uploaded to the download centre by students and school administrators. At this time there are four files that have been published to the download centre. For users who have not logged in, you can access the download centre under the student centre in the main menu section. For logged in users, there is a link to the download section under quick options on the app's main page.

The scrolling of the news slide show has been improved dramatically in this version of the app. Users can now click on control icons below the slide show to scroll through the news items at their own pace. They can also slide the picture to scroll through the slide show items. Sliding to the right selects the next item in the slide show and sliding left selects the previous one.

The About page has also been improved containing much more detailed information about the app and the app developer. 

The app will always be improved to main it more user friendly. Please do not hesitate to submit suggestions and/concerns to the school about the TalsoftsSAS app.