

Conflict Seminars

Conflict Seminars

Publication Date: Wednesday September 12, 2018 07:24:12 pm EST
Publisher: Admin User

File: Ms Vanessa Young from the Dispute Resolution Foundation conducting a rap session with a group of grade 9 students in the school's audio-visual room.

The Office of the Dean of Discipline will be hosting a series of conflict seminars for students with incidents of fighting on their record with the first starting tomorrow September 13, 2018 at 9am.

The initiative aims to reduce the frequency at which students fight at the school by providing them with skills to peacefully resolve their conflicts. It is ultimately hoped that fighting will be reduced in the school this academic year considerably.

Tomorrow's seminar is scheduled to take place in the Learning Enrichment Room starting at 9:00am. The seminar should be concluded at 10:30am. The other seminar will take place on Friday September 14, 2018 at the same time in the same place. These seminars will continue for two days in October and another two in November; however, they are scheduled to take place in the school's audio-visual room.

The dean's office has partnered with the Dispute Resolution Foundation to host these seminars for the three months. Mr Andre Boyd will be dispatched from the foundation to conduct these seminars.

Parents have been notified via a letter issued to them via their child. The school administration hopes that these students would benefit from this experience in a meaningful way.