

New Appointment

New Appointment

Publication Date: Saturday September 19, 2020 10:20:53 pm EST
Publisher: Admin User


Please be informed that Mr. Shannell Talbert has been appointed the Acting Principal.

He has been employed to the school since 2008 when he entered as a Spanish Teacher. He was quickly promoted to the Assistant Dean of Discipline, a post in which he served until 2017. Then he was appointed the Dean of Discipline, a post he currently holds.

During his tenure, Mr. Talbert served in many capacities: form teacher, grade supervisor, website administrator and chair of the academic board. Through his fervent service to the school, many noteworthy programmes were developed such as the Summer Academic Intervention Programme and many behaviour-change initiatives. Another of his contribution of which many members of the school community are proud is the Ascot Virtual Learning Environment (AscotVLE). This platform will now be the place where students will attend online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mr. Talbert, with the support of the former principal Mr. Cedric Murray, created the AscotVLE.

He is a very industrious and committed individual. His innovation always asissts him to solve problems and make meaningful contribution to the development of the school. The school community wishes him all the best and lends him the necessary support.