

Download the New School App - TalsoftsSAS 2.0.15

Download the New School App - TalsoftsSAS 2.0.15

Publication Date: Thursday June 22, 2017 02:09:49 pm EST
Last Updated: Thursday September 6, 2018 10:29:41 pm EST
Publisher: Admin User


Screenshots from the New TalsoftsSAS App

The newest version of the TalsoftsSAS app has been released in google play and windows stores. TalsoftsSAS is used by the Ascot High School administration to simplify and streamline administrative functions.

The goal of the app is to enhance communication among the school stakeholders. With this in mind, most of the app features are geared towards realizing this goal. Hence, all members of the school community may download the app and obtain a username and password from Mr Talbert so they can unlock the full capabilities of the app. Other well wishers of our school or those who just like the app may continue to use the app without authentication credentials.

App Features

The app is novel. It has been redesigned interms of layout, features and functionality so that it may be much easier to use with a more eye-pleasing graphical user interface. The app allows users to do some of the following (To view a more comprehensive outline of the app capabilities click on the About App link in the menu section of the app):

  • Register and apply for sixthform
  • Record incidences of fights and quarrels by Ascot students on the street and send these recordings directly to school administrators
  • Read blogs, news, advice column, and other interesting readings
  • Subscribe for the News SMS Alert System (Talsofts Function)
  • Publish news, blogs, and responses to advice issues (authenticated users only)
  • Send messages to particular sections of the school administration
  • Download pictures from the news picture display
  • Check students attendance, performance and behaviour records (authenticated users only)
  • Check Parent/Teacher conference information (authenticated users only)

Get the App

To get the app, download it from the google store or the windows store by typing TalsoftsSAS in the store search engine on your Android or Windows devices.