

December 2017 Examinations on the Horizon

December 2017 Examinations on the Horizon

Publication Date: Sunday December 3, 2017 09:51:29 pm EST
Last Updated: Sunday December 3, 2017 11:28:53 pm EST
Publisher: Shannell Talbert


Students will begin sitting their end of term examinations December 6, 2017.

Parents are being encouraged to facilitate their children/ward's preparations for their examinations. Both parents and students are being reminded that students' performance this term will dictate whether on or not they will be placed on academic probation. If students' average falls below 50% then they will be placed on probation. If they fail to improve their performance by the end of April next year then these students will be referred to the Summer Academic Intervention Programme. Hence, it is imperative that students prepare and do well on these examinations.

Additionally, parents are being encouraged to make provisions for their children in the days because they will be dismissed much earlier than usual. On examination days, students will be dismissed 12:30pm the latest.

Students are directed to the following link to peruse the examination regulations: Ascot High School Examination Regulations (Extracted from the Academic Policy)

The administration wishes all students success in the upcoming examinations.